
Initial Appointment

The initial visit is 60 minutes and Includes, but not limited to Review of patient history, examination, initial treatment plan and initial treatment.

One Area of Complaint

20 minute appointment soft tissue therapy, laser therapy for one area of complaint, spine and extremity manipulation.

Insurance and Payment

Health Savings Accounts/Flexible spending accounts (HSA/FSA) are accepted and encouraged.

Payment is also accepted via cash, Visa/Mastercard, Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal.


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Two Areas of Complaint

This appointment is for 40 minutes for more extensive treatment therapy, laser therapy for up to 2 separate areas . extensive soft tissue therapy, spine and extremity manipulation.

Book an Appointment

Your first visit will include a comprehensive evaluation to determine the main root of your distress, create a customized care plan specific to your individual needs, and help you achieve your overall health goals.